Table of Contents
Final report - Guidelines on transfer of data between Trade Repositories under EMIR and SFTR (ESMA74-362-2351)1 Legislative references, abbreviations and definitions2 Executive Summary3 Summary of feedback received to public consultation3.1 Changes to Guidelines on transfer of data between Trade Repositories under EMIR3.1.1 Communication with Authorities3.1.2 Transfer of TR data on reconciliation and rejections3.1.3 Fees in the case of withdrawal of registration3.1.4 New XML schemas and varying degrees of data quality3.1.5 Designation of back-stop TRs in the case of withdrawal of registration3.1.6 Verification and confirmation of derivative records3.1.7 Reporting of OTC derivatives by the FC on behalf of the NFC-3.2 SFTR Guidelines3.2.1 Conditions of transfer of data3.2.2 Transfer of data requested by a TR participant3.2.3 Transfer of data in the case of withdrawal of registration3.2.4 Transfer of TR data on reconciliation and rejections3.2.5 Fees in the case of withdrawal of registration3.2.6 New XML schemas and varying degrees of data quality3.2.7 Designation of back-stop TRs in the case of withdrawal of registration3.2.8 Verification and confirmation of SFT records3.2.9 Reporting of SFTs by the FC on behalf of the SME NFC3.3 Annex I - Procedure for transfer of data at the request of a TR participant under EMIR3.4 Annex II - Procedure for migration in case of withdrawal of registration under EMIR3.5 Annex I - Procedure for transfer of data at the request of a TR participant under SFTR3.6 Annex II - Procedure for migration in case of withdrawal of registration under SFTR4 Cost-benefit analysis5 Advice of the Securities and Markets Stakeholder GroupAnnex I: Amendments to Guidelines on transfer of data between Trade Repositories under EMIR1 Scope2 Legislative references, abbreviations and definitions3 Purpose4 Compliance and reporting obligations5 Amendments to Guidelines on transfer of data between Trade Repositories under EMIR5.1.1 Annex I - Procedure for transfer of data at the request of a TR participant under EMIR5.1.2 Annex II - Procedure for migration in case of withdrawal of registration under EMIRAnnex II: Guidelines on transfer of data between Trade Repositories under SFTR1 Scope2 Legislative references, abbreviations and definitions3 Purpose4 Compliance and reporting obligations5 Guidelines on transfer of data between Trade Repositories under SFTR5.1.1 Annex I - Procedure for transfer of data at the request of a TR participant under SFTR5.1.2 Annex II - Procedure for migration in case of withdrawal of registration under SFTR
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Published date: 25 March 2022