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3 Summary of feedback received to public consultation

1. This Section provides a summary of the responses received to the CP on the two separate sets of draft guidelines containing (i) changes to the existing Guidelines on data transfer under EMIR which include amendments by replacement of three already existing guidelines and the inclusion of nine new guidelines and (ii) new Guidelines on data transfer under SFTR.

2. While changes to Guidelines 11, 18, and 19 of the existing Guidelines on transfer of data between TRs under EMIR were not initially foreseen in the CP, based on the consultation comments, ESMA undertook some amendments thereof to ensure alignment between the existing Guidelines under EMIR and the new Guidelines under SFTR.

3. The CP contained 55 questions covering all aspects of the proposed changes to the existing Guidelines on data transfer under EMIR and the new draft Guidelines on data transfer under SFTR.

4. The consultation ran from 28 May 2021 to 27 August 2021. ESMA received 7 responses. Respondents included 4 TRs, one central bank, one banking association, and one association representing the interest of market participants.