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5 Amendments to Guidelines on transfer of data between Trade Repositories under EMIR

17. Guidelines 11, 15, 18, 19, 23 and 26 of the existing Guidelines on transfer of data between Trade Repositories under EMIR are replaced as follows:

Guideline 11. Prior to the data transfer on non-working day, TRs should ensure that TR participants modify the outstanding derivatives that are subject to data transfer to comply with the most up to date reporting requirement at the latest by 23:59:59 on the Friday ahead of the weekend on which the porting takes place and

(i) in the case of full porting, from the start of the data transfer, the old TR should not accept reports on lifecycle events and position data relating to the derivatives subject to transfer;

(ii) and in addition, in the case of partial porting, the TR participant should ensure accurate reporting of lifecycle events relating to the derivatives to the relevant TRs.

For transfers on working days, the old TR and the new TR are to agree upon a time, prior to the data transfer, by which the modifications of the outstanding derivatives that are subject to data transfer should be completed by the TR participant. For transfers on working days, (i) and (ii) should be followed by the old TR and the TR participant.