15AP. Leniency programme for other infringements
(1) The competent authority may put in place a leniency programme, whether as part of a leniency programme under section 15AI or as a separate programme, for infringements of relevant competition law other than cartels to grant immunity from administrative sanctions to or to reduce administrative financial sanctions on undertakings in exchange for-
(a) disclosing that they have infringed relevant competition law other than by participating in a cartel, and
(b) voluntarily cooperating with an investigation by the competent authority concerning the application of relevant competition law.
(a) The relevant Minister may prescribe the applicable procedures, conditions, appropriate scales, and factors relevant to decisions by a competent authority under subsection (1) to grant immunity from administrative sanctions to or to reduce administrative financial sanctions on undertakings.
(b) The competent authority may publish, on a website maintained by it or on its behalf, guidance as to the matters set out at paragraph (a).