Article 3 Voluntary submission of information
1. From 10 January 2030, an entity may submit the information referred to in Article 1(1), point (b), to the collection body in the Member State where the entity has its registered office for the purpose of making that information accessible on ESAP.
When submitting such information to the collection body, the entity shall:
(a) ensure that the information is accompanied by metadata specifying that the information is made accessible on ESAP on a voluntary basis;
(b) ensure that the information is accompanied by metadata specifying whether the information contains personal data;
(c) ensure that the information is accompanied by the metadata necessary for the functioning of the ESAP search function referred in Article 7(3);
(d) use a data extractable format for submitting the information;
(e) ensure that the information submitted falls within the scope of Article 1(1), point (b);