Article 5 Tasks of the collection bodies and responsibilities of entities
1. The collection bodies shall do the following:
(a) collect the information submitted by entities;
(b) store the information submitted by entities or generated by the collection bodies themselves and, where relevant, rely on existing procedures and infrastructure in place for the storage of information;
(c) perform technical automated validations in respect of the information submitted by entities to verify whether the information complies with the following:
(i) it has been submitted using a data extractable format or, where appropriate, the machine-readable format specified in any of the Union legislative acts under Article 1(1), point (a), pursuant to which the information is submitted;
(ii) the metadata for the information, as specified pursuant to paragraph 10, point (e), of this Article and, where applicable, Article 3(1), point (a), is available and complete;
(iii) it is accompanied by a qualified electronic seal, where required;