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		"book_hierarchy":["Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Act 2012 (No. 23)"],
		"title":"5. Dissolution of Dormant Accounts Board.",
		"body":"\u003Cp class=\u0022clearfix in01\u0022\u003E\u003Cspan id=\u0022para_T08201222082012ID9R149885\u0022\u003E(1)\u003C\/span\u003E The Board is dissolved on the appointed day.\u003C\/p\u003E\r\n\r\n\u003Cp class=\u0022clearfix in01\u0022\u003E\u003Cspan id=\u0022para_T08203222082012ID9R29743\u0022\u003E(2)\u003C\/span\u003E References to the Board contained, immediately before the appointed day, in any enactment (other than this Act) or in an instrument made under an enactment are to be read on and after the appointed day as references to the Minister.\u003C\/p\u003E\r\n\r\n\u003Cp class=\u0022clearfix in01\u0022\u003E\u003Cspan id=\u0022para_T08205222082012ID9R692158\u0022\u003E(3)\u003C\/span\u003E If required after the appointed day by the Committee of Public Accounts, the person who immediately before that day was the chairperson of the Board shall give evidence to that Committee on any matter that arose during his or her term of office and that relates to the functions of the Board.\u003C\/p\u003E\r\n\r\n\u003Cp class=\u0022clearfix in01\u0022\u003E\u003Cspan id=\u0022para_T08211222082012ID9R277210\u0022\u003E(4)\u003C\/span\u003E Where the chairperson of the Board is required to give evidence under subsection (3), he or she shall not question or express an opinion on the merits of a policy of the Government or a Minister of the Government or on the merits of the objectives of such a policy.\u003C\/p\u003E\r\n",
		"field_doc_organisation":["Legislation (IE)"],
		"field_doc_area":{"95":"Irish Financial Services Law"},
		"field_doc_docsubject":{"130":"Banks\/Credit Institutions"},
		"field_doc_pagestatus":{"562":"In force"},
		"field_doc_amendedprovision":"All provisions",
Name Type Description
url Link URL into the document on Better Regulation.
root_or_spd Boolean Indicates if a page is the start (root page) of a book structured document or is a single page document (SPD).
title Long text Title of the node being viewed.
field_news_date Date The date the document was added into the Better Regulation database.
body Long text Full html text for the currently viewed/called node
future_version Boolean Indicates if that version has a future TM_From date.
latest_version Boolean Indicates if that version or page is current version as read today.
version_number Integer Version number of the node id.
field_doc_consolidationtax Term reference The consolidation status of the document.
field_doc_organisation Entity Reference NodeID reference to the organisation who originally published the document.
field_doc_doctype Term reference The type of document the page has been classified with.
field_retained_eu_law_appropriat Entity reference NodeID reference to the organisation.
field_doc_docyear Term reference The classification of the year the document was originally published.
field_doc_jurisdiction Term reference The classification of the jurisdictions relevant to the document.
field_doc_area Term reference The grouping classification given to all material within Better Regulation.
field_doc_docsubject Term reference The another grouping classification given to all material within Better Regulation.
field_doc_sanctions_country Term reference Used if the document is relevant to a sanctioned country/regime.
field_doc_docno Text Used if publication number exists.
field_doc_defid Integer Automated numbering system given to all definitions within Better Regulation.
field_doc_docid Integer Automated numbering system given to all documents within Better Regulation.
nid Integer Automated numbering system given to all documents within Better Regulation.
field_doc_source_url Link URL where the document was original found.
field_tm_from Date Start date given to the page/version
field_tm_to Date End date (if there is one) given to the page/version
field_rel_reg_tech_stand Entity reference DocID reference related Regulatory Technical Standards (if applicable).
field_rel_imple_tech Entity reference DocID reference related Implementing Technical Standards (if applicable).
field_rel_decision Entity reference DocID reference related Decision (if applicable).
field_rel_gui Entity reference DocID reference related Guidelines (if applicable).
field_rel_qa Entity reference DocID reference related Q&A (if applicable).
field_trans_act Entity reference DocID reference related Transposing Act (if applicable).
field_trans_statu_inst Entity reference DocID reference related Transposing Statutory Instrument (if applicable).
field_rel_bill_history Entity reference DocID reference related Bill (if applicable).
field_rel_ucits_notice Entity reference DocID reference related UCITS Notice (if applicable).
field_rel_option_discre Entity reference DocID reference related Opinions & Discretions (if applicable).
field_rel_adopted_published_oj Entity reference DocID reference related Adopted & Published in OJ (if applicable).
field_rel_delegated_act Entity reference DocID reference related Delegated Act (if applicable).
field_rel_implementing_act Entity reference DocID reference related Implementing Act (if applicable).
field_rel_press_release Entity reference DocID reference related Press Release (if applicable).
field_rel_opinion Entity reference DocID reference related Opinion (if applicable).
field_comm_order_for Entity reference DocID reference related Commencement Order (if applicable).
field_reg_made_under Entity reference DocID reference related Regulations Made Under(if applicable).
field_doc_pagestatus Term reference Better Regulation classification for current page status of the document.


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Some documents have several versions which depend on the period of validity. The date should be added to the path in the format YYYY/MM/DD.


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