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API search term IDs

Tids Names
104 Accounting
105 Actuarial
2624 Africa
106 AIFs
1680 Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive - AIFMD
1356 AnaCredit
108 Asset-Covered Securities/Covered Bonds
109 Auditing
2621 Austria
110 Authorisation
1681 Bank Recovery & Resolution Directives - BRRD/BRRD II
112 Banking Standards Review
1491 Banking Structural Reform
130 Banks/Credit Institutions
114 Basel
2454 Belgium
1433 Benchmarks
1682 Benchmarks Regulation - BMR
2449 Bermuda
115 Betting, Gaming and Lotteries
2448 British Virgin Islands (BVI)
117 Bureaux de Change
119 Capital Markets
1683 Capital Markets Union - CMU
118 Capital Requirements
120 Capital Requirements Legislation - CRD IV/V, CRR/CRR2
2444 Cayman Islands
1976 CCP Recovery and Resolution Regulation
1581 Central Securities Depositories Regulation - CSDR
152 Charities
2438 China
1417 Client assets
142 Climate Change
121 Companies
122 Compensation
123 Competition
2120 Constitutional Law
124 Consumer Credit
2582 Consumer Duty
125 Consumer Protection
126 Contracts
129 Corporate Governance
2367 COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
2466 CP86
131 Credit Rating
1684 Credit Rating Agencies Regulation - CRAR
132 Credit Unions
1685 Cross-border
2435 Cross-border fund distribution
1686 Crowdfunding/Third Party Funding
2208 Crypto-assets
2361 Culture in Financial Services
1652 Cyber Security
2605 Czech Republic
133 Data Protection
1434 Data/Statistics
2492 Denmark
1401 Deposit Guarantee Schemes
134 Derivatives
1407 Digital Finance / Fintech
135 Dispute Resolution
136 Dodd-Frank
138 E-Commerce
3686 Emissions Trading Scheme - ETS
140 Employment
1355 Energy Market
141 Enforcement/Breaches
2312 Environmental, social and governance - ESG
2576 Estonia
143 EU Banking Union
1409 EU Exit
1687 European Long-Term Investment Fund - ELTIF
139 European Market Infrastructure Regulation - EMIR/EMIR Refit
144 European Union
146 Financial Crime & AML/CFT
1991 Financial Education/Guidance
2245 Financial Services Contracts Regime - FSCR
148 Financial Services Regulation
149 Financial Stability
2491 Finland
150 Fit and Proper
2441 France
151 Freedom of Information
153 Funds
1701 General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR
2439 Germany
2501 Gibraltar
154 Government Policy
2647 Greece
2446 Guernsey
155 Health Insurance
2437 Hong Kong
2490 Hungary
3691 Iceland
2575 India
2643 Indonesia
157 Insolvency and Restructuring
159 Insurance & Reinsurance
1711 Insurance and Reinsurance Directive - Solvency II
158 Insurance Claims
1688 Insurance Distribution Directive - IDD
2586 Insurance recovery and resolution
1648 InsurTech
1703 Interchange Fee Regulation
160 International
156 International Accounting Standards
161 Investment
2314 Investment Firms Directive & Regulation - IFD / IFR
162 Investor Protection
1998 IORP II Directive
2622 Ireland
2447 Isle of Man
2440 Italy
2443 Japan
2445 Jersey
2609 Korea
2650 Latvia
2372 LIBOR transition
164 Liquidity
192 Listing
2577 Lithuania
2442 Luxembourg
2679 Malaysia
2648 Malta
1689 Market Abuse Regulation
165 Market Abuse/Insider Dealing
166 Market infrastructure
167 Markets in Financial Instruments Legislation - MiFID II / MiFIR
168 Mergers and Acquisitions
3727 Moldova
1744 Monetary Policy
1700 Money Laundering Regulation
1670 Money Market Funds Regulation - MMFR
1697 Mortgage Credit Directive - MCD
169 Mortgages
127 Mutual Societies
170 National Asset Management Agency - NAMA
2315 National Treasury Management Agency - NTMA
2503 Netherlands
2567 Non-financial reporting
1994 Non-performing loans/exposures, NPL/NPE
172 Non-UCITS
2611 Norway
173 Offshore
2566 Operational resilience
1690 Outsourcing
1699 Partnerships
1970 Pawnbrokers
1691 Payment Services Directive - PSD2
175 Payment Systems & Services
177 Pensions
2606 Poland
3717 Portugal
1672 PRIIPs Regulation
1515 Property / Real Estate
1693 Prospectus Directive - PD
1769 Prospectus Regulation - PR
1692 Prospectuses
178 Recovery and Resolution
2278 RegTech
179 Regulatory Reporting
181 Remuneration
182 Retail Distribution Review - RDR
1743 Ring-fencing
1694 Risk
3715 Romania
2610 Russia/Ukraine
147 Sanctions
2623 Saudi Arabia
3729 Scotland
184 Securities
1676 Securities Financing Transactions Regulation - SFTR
1669 Securitisation Regulation
2289 Senior Executive Accountability Regime - SEAR
185 Senior Insurance Managers Regime - SIMR
186 Senior Managers and Certification Regime - SMCR
187 Shadow Banking
2194 Shareholders Rights Directive / Shareholder Rights Directive II - SRD II
188 Short Selling
2450 Singapore
1748 Single Resolution Mechanism Regulation - SRMR/SRMR II
1768 Single Supervisory Mechanism - SSM
2607 Slovakia
2617 Slovenia
189 Small & Medium Enterprises - SMEs
190 Social Welfare
191 Solvency II
2453 Spain
1419 Special Administration Regime - SAR
2198 Sustainable Finance
2613 Sweden
2455 Switzerland
193 Takeover Rules/Code
194 Taxation
2239 Temporary Permissions Regime – TPR / Temporary Recognition Regime -TRR
2407 Temporary Transitional Power - TTP
195 Transparency
1695 Transparency Directive - TD
196 Transport
197 Trusts
2587 Turkey
2664 UK Future Regulatory Framework
2564 UK Investment Firm Prudential Regime (IFPR)
199 UK LCO
2424 UK-adopted International Accounting Standards
1710 Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities Directive - UCITS Directive
2652 United Arab Emirates (UAE)
2608 United Kingdom
2451 USA
2473 Vietnam
1696 Whistleblowing
Tids Names
204 Acts
202 Actuarial Standards of Practice
2686 Adoption Statements
2612 Advice to ESMA
2616 Advice to the ESAs
3699 Aggregation Method (AM)
1543 Amendments to Standards
205 Annual Reports
2219 Application Papers
206 Application Refusals
207 Approved Person Refusals
3710 Articles
1478 Assessments
2529 Authorisation Process
208 Basel Committee Speeches
2031 Bill amendments
209 Bills
2600 Binding Decisions
210 BIS Management Speeches
1513 BIS Papers
2369 Blogs
2121 Booklets
211 Briefings
2212 Briefs
1529 Building Society Assets
213 Bulletin Articles
212 Bulletins
1767 Business Plans
2493 Call for advice
1764 Calls for input
214 Central Bankers' Speeches
1523 CGFS Papers
1534 Checklists
215 Codes
1859 Codes of Practice
216 Commencement Orders
217 Commentaries
2398 Compliance Tables
2217 Conceptual Framework
1633 Constitution
218 Consultations
219 Consumer Research Papers
220 Corporate Publications
221 Corrigenda / Correction Slips
222 Dear CEO Letters
2023 Debates
2675 Decision Maker Panel data
224 Decision Notices
223 Decisions
226 Definitions
1504 Designations
1984 Directions
227 Discussion Papers
1707 Draft Guidance
1642 Draft Guidelines
1619 Draft ITS
1936 Draft Recommendations
1618 Draft RTS
228 Draft SIs
1862 Draft Technical Advice
1715 Drafts
229 Due Process
1997 eBriefs
1770 EC Communications
1423 EC Drafts
240 EC Proposals
230 Economic Letters
1542 Editorial Corrections
2038 Endorsements
231 Enforcement Actions / Settlement Agreements
1650 Enforcement Decisions / Enforcement Notices
232 EU Addenda
2092 EU Conventions
233 EU Corrigenda
234 EU Decisions
1704 EU Delegated Acts
235 EU Directives
1463 EU Guidelines
1705 EU Implementing Acts
236 EU Information
1411 EU ITS
237 EU Notices
238 EU Opinions
239 EU Positions
241 EU Recommendations
242 EU Regulations
2592 EU Resolutions
1412 EU RTS
2175 Evaluation Papers
2207 Executive Summaries
1517 Explanatory memoranda
244 Explanatory Notes
245 Exposure Drafts
1995 Factsheets
246 FAQs
2467 FCA Technical Standards
1467 Feedback Statements / Papers
247 Final Notices
1709 Final Reports
1479 Finalised Guidance
1721 Financial Reporting Exposure Drafts (FREDs)
248 Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (FRSSE)
249 Financial Reporting Standards (FRSs)
2001 Financial Stability Notes
251 Financial Stability Papers
252 Financial Stability Reports
2677 FinTech Notes
253 Forms
1557 G20 Communiqué
1457 General Insurance Practice Notes
2214 General Schemes
254 Guidance
255 Guidance Notes
256 Guidelines
1477 Guides
1656 Handbook Notices
257 Handbooks
258 Hot Topic
1525 Housing Market Monitors
1474 Hypostats
265 IFRIC Interpretations
1679 Illustrative accounts and checklists
1891 Illustrative Examples
2122 Impact Assessments
2196 In-situ proposed changes
259 Info-letters
1649 Information Booklets
260 Information Notes/Notices
1973 Initiatives
261 Insights
1527 Instructions
1814 Insurance Capital Standards (ICS)
262 Insurance Core Principles (ICP)
263 Insurance Statistical Data
264 International Accounting Standards (IASs)
266 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs)
1459 International Standards on Auditing (ISA)
2220 Issues Papers
1522 Key Facts
267 Legal Briefings
268 Legal Instruments
269 Legal News
270 Legislation
271 Letters
2631 LIBOR Notices
2452 List of authorised insurers
272 List of Banks
273 List of Building Societies
1986 List of Credit Unions
2426 List of Designated firms
2373 List of ring-fenced bodies
274 Listings of authorised and revoked institutions
275 Macro Financial Reviews
1472 Market Insights
1470 Market Monitors
1483 Market Studies
1823 Meeting Summaries
276 Memoranda of Understanding
1511 Minutes
1520 Monetary Penalty Notices
1469 Mortgage Approvals Reports
1473 Mortgage Info
1481 Mortgage Restructures Data
285 News/Press Releases
277 Newsletters
1645 Non-UCITS Notices
1530 Notes on Compilations
278 Notices
279 Occasional Papers
1989 Oireachtas Correspondence
280 Opinions
281 Other Documents
2604 Panel Bulletins
1486 Panel Instruments
1484 Panel Statements
2322 Podcasts
2382 Policy Documents
1766 Policy Notice
1535 Policy Papers
1475 Policy Statements
2457 Portfolio letters
282 Position Papers
283 PRA Rulebook
284 Practice Notes
2218 Practice Statements
2468 Primary Market Technical Notes
286 Principles
1464 Proactive Papers
1655 Prohibition Notices
1708 Proposed Revisions to JMLSG Guidance
1471 Protocols
287 Questions and Answers
288 Recommendations
289 Registers
290 Regulation Round-ups
291 Regulatory Calendar
1528 Regulatory Consistency Assessment Programmes (RCAP)
1510 Regulatory Digests
1490 Regulatory Documents
2197 Regulatory Impact Analysis
2370 Regulatory Initiatives Grid
292 Regulatory Notices
293 Regulatory Requirements / Guidance
294 Regulatory Transactions Reviews
1908 Reporting framework
295 Reports
1537 Research Papers
296 Research Technical Papers
297 Resolutions
1485 Response Statements
298 Responses
2250 Retained EU Law
2355 Retained EU Law - Corrigenda
2354 Retained EU Law - Decisions
2353 Retained EU Law - Regulations
299 Returns
300 Reviews
1505 Risk Dashboards
2569 Roadmaps
1637 Rulebook
301 Rules
250 Sanctions
302 Settlement Agreements
1635 Single Rulebook Q&A
1526 SME Market Monitors
303 Social Media
304 Sourcebooks
305 Speeches / Interviews
1424 Standards
306 Standing Interpretations Committee (SIC)
1634 State of play
2192 Statement of Policy
307 Statements
1713 Statements of Insolvency Practice (SIPs)
308 Statements of Recommended Practice (SORPs)
309 Statements of Standard Accounting Practice (SSAPs)
1425 Statistical Digests
3685 Statistical Notices
310 Statistics
311 Statutory Instruments
312 Strategic Plans
313 Stress Tests
314 Submissions
315 Subsidiary Legislation
1536 Summary Records
316 Supervisory Notices
317 Supervisory Statements
1524 Surveys
1858 Systemic Risk Packs
318 Technical Advice
3693 Technical Information
319 Technical Standards
2007 Terms of Reference
2209 Thematic Reviews/Papers
320 Trackers
1492 Treasury Select Committee Publications
1644 UCITS Notices
1514 UCITS Notices Amendments
321 UN Resolutions
1651 Warning Notice Statements
322 Warning Notices
323 Warnings
2371 Webinars
324 Working Papers
1717 Xetra Releases
Tids Names
79 Accounting, Auditing, Actuarial
84 European
85 Financial Crime & AML/CFT
89 International Accounting Standards
90 International Material
92 Irish Company Law
1498 Irish Competition Law
1547 Irish Data Protection Law
93 Irish Employment Law
94 Irish Environmental Law
95 Irish Financial Services Law
96 Irish Pensions Law
97 Irish Tax Law
1397 Sanctions
98 UK Company Law
1499 UK Competition Law
1548 UK Data Protection Law
99 UK Employment Law
100 UK Financial Services Law
101 UK Pensions Law
103 UK Tax Law


Tids Names
1 European
6 International
30 Ireland
12 United Kingdom
1141 Amended
554 Applicable
555 Ceased
556 Deleted
557 Deleted with early application
558 Draft
559 Effective
560 Effective with early application
561 Entered into force
2247 Expired
562 In force
1493 Inserted
563 Modifications
564 Not yet in force
565 Omitted
2568 Partially deleted
2346 Partially repealed
2626 Partially revoked
566 Partly in force
567 Proposed changes
568 Published
569 Reformatted
570 Repealed
3714 Requires commencement
571 Revoked
572 Substituted
573 Superseded
574 Superseded with early application
1836 To be ceased
1822 To be deleted
2456 To be inserted
1821 To be omitted
1819 To be repealed
1820 To be revoked
2248 To expire
1342 Updated
575 Withdrawn