75. Amendment of section 29 of Stock Exchange Act, 1995.
Section 29 of the Stock Exchange Act, 1995, is hereby amended -
(a) in subsection (1) -
(i) by the substitution for paragraph (i) of the following paragraph:
"(i) directors and those responsible for the management of approved stock exchanges, formerly approved stock exchanges, proposed stock exchanges or stock exchanges and authorised member firms, formerly authorised member firms, proposed member firms or member firms;",
(ii) by the insertion after paragraph (i) of the following paragraphs:
"(j) any person purporting to act or whom the Bank reasonably believes is acting as or on behalf of a stock exchange or member firm;
(k) directors of a stock exchange or member firm or those responsible for the management of that stock exchange or member firm who have failed to co-operate with an authorised officer appointed under section 55 of this Act, or an inspector appointed under section 57, 58 or 64 of this Act,",
(b) in subsection (5) by the substitution for "which said direction shall have immediate effect" of "which said direction shall have effect from a date specified by the Bank".