Regulation 55 Particulars to appear in correspondence etc.
(1) Every open-ended investment company must have the following particulars disclosed in characters that can be read with the naked eye in all letters of the company, in all other documents issued by the company in the course of business, and on its websites -
(a) the company’s place of registration;
(b) the number with which it is registered;
(c) the address of its head office; and
(d) the fact that it is an investment company with variable capital.
(2) Where, in accordance with regulation 72, the Authority makes any change of existing registered numbers in respect of any open-ended investment company then, for a period of three years beginning with the date on which the notification of the change is sent to the company by the Authority, the requirement of paragraph (1)(b) is, notwithstanding regulation 72(4), satisfied by the use of either the old number or the new.