Article 90 Reports and review
1. Before 3 March 2020 the Commission shall, after consulting ESMA, present a report to the European Parliament and the Council on:
(a) the functioning of OTFs, including their specific use of matched principal trading, taking into account supervisory experience acquired by competent authorities, the number of OTFs authorised in the Union and their market share and in particular examining whether any adjustments are needed to the definition of an OTF and whether the range of financial instruments covered by the OTF category remains appropriate;
(b) the functioning of the regime for SME growth markets, taking into account the number of MTFs registered as SME growth markets, numbers of issuers present thereon, and relevant trading volumes;
In particular, the report shall assess whether the threshold in point (a) of Article 33(3) remains an appropriate minimum to pursue the objectives for SME growth markets as stated in this Directive;
(c) the impact of requirements regarding algorithmic trading including high-frequency algorithmic trading;