Article 52 Procedure for CSD links
1. When a CSD submits a request for access to another CSD pursuant to Articles 50 and 51, the receiving CSD shall treat the request promptly and shall provide a response to the requesting CSD within three months. If the receiving CSD agrees to the request, the CSD link shall be implemented within a reasonable timeframe, which shall be no longer than 12 months.
2. A CSD shall deny access to a requesting CSD only where such access would threaten the smooth and orderly functioning of the financial markets or cause systemic risk. Such a refusal shall be based only on a comprehensive risk assessment.
Where a CSD refuses access, it shall provide the requesting CSD with full reasons for its refusal.
In the case of a refusal, the requesting CSD has the right to complain to the competent authority of the CSD that has refused access.
The competent authority of the receiving CSD shall duly examine the complaint by assessing the reasons for refusal and shall provide the requesting CSD with a reasoned reply.