Article 7a Mandatory buy-in process
1. Without prejudice to the penalty mechanism referred to in Article 7(2) and the right to bilaterally cancel the transaction, after consulting the European Systemic Risk Board and based on the cost-benefit analysis provided by ESMA pursuant to Article 74(4), the Commission may, by means of an implementing act, decide to which of the financial instruments referred to in Article 5(1), or categories of transactions in those financial instruments, the mandatory buy-in process referred to in paragraphs 4 to 10 of this Article is to be applied where the Commission considers that mandatory buy-ins constitute a necessary, appropriate and proportionate means to address the level of settlement fails in the Union.
The Commission may adopt the implementing act referred to in the first subparagraph only if both of the following conditions are met:
(a) the application of the penalty mechanism referred to in Article 7(2) has not resulted in a long-term sustainable reduction of settlement fails in the Union or in maintaining a reduced level of settlement fails in the Union, even after a review of the level of cash penalties in accordance with Article 7(5), second subparagraph;