Article 4 Summary of the key elements of the recovery plan
1. The summary of the key elements of the recovery plan shall cover summaries of each of the following:
(a) the recovery plan's information on governance;
(b) the recovery plan's strategic analysis, including a summary of overall recovery capacity referred to in Article 12(3);
(c) any material changes to the institution, group or recovery plan since the previous version of the recovery plan submitted to the competent authority;
(d) the recovery plan's communication and disclosure plan;
(e) the preparatory measures set out in the recovery plan.
2. For the purposes of Sections II and III of Chapter I of this Regulation, material change means any change which could impact the ability of an institution or of an EU parent undertaking or one or more of its subsidiaries to implement a recovery plan or to implement one or more recovery options contained in a recovery plan.