Article 7 The description of entities covered by the recovery plan
1. The subsection of the strategic analysis describing the entity or entities covered by the recovery plan shall comprise the following information:
(a) a general characterisation of the entity or entities covered by the recovery plan, including:
(i) a description of their overall global business and risk strategy;
(ii) their business model and business plan, including a list of the main jurisdictions in which they are active, including through a legal entity or a branch meeting the conditions set out in paragraph 2;
(iii) their core business lines and critical functions;
(iv) the process and metrics for identifying their core business lines and critical functions;
(b) a mapping of the core business lines and critical functions to the legal entities and branches meeting the conditions set out in paragraph 2;
(c) a detailed description of the legal and financial structures of the entity or entities covered by the plan, including an explanation of intra-group interconnectedness with respect to any legal entities or branches meeting the conditions set out in paragraph 2 and in particular a description of the following:
(i) all existing material intra-group exposures and funding relationships, capital flows within the entity or entities covered by the recovery plan, intra-group guarantees that are in place and intra-group guarantees that are expected to be in place when recovery action is required;