Article 95 Elements of communication of individual decisions
1. In the absence of a joint decision, the decision on the minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities at consolidated and parent entity level taken by the group-level resolution authority shall be communicated in writing to the resolution college members by means of a document that contains all of the following items:
(a) the name of the group-level resolution authority;
(b) the name of the Union parent undertaking and the names of other entities in that jurisdiction to which the joint decision applies;
(c) references to the applicable Union and national law relating to the preparation, finalisation and application of the decision and in particular references to any additional criteria provided by the Member State, in which the Union parent undertaking is authorised, on the basis of which the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities are determined;
(d) the date of the decision;
(e) the minimum requirement on own funds and eligible liabilities at consolidated level, and a time limit to reach that level, where applicable, along with appropriate reasoning for setting the minimum requirement on own funds and eligible liabilities at that level, having regard to the assessment criteria referred to in Article 45(6)(a) to (f) of Directive 2014/59/EU;