Article 18 Implementation of the arrangements proposed in the recovery plans
1. When assessing the extent to which the recovery plan satisfies the criterion set out in point (a) of Article 6(2) of Directive 2014/59/EU, the competent authority shall review the following:
(a) the level of integration and consistency of the plan with the general corporate governance and the internal processes of the entity or entities to which the plan applies and its/their risk management framework;
(b) whether the plan contains a sufficient number of plausible and viable recovery options which make it reasonably likely that the institution or group would be able to counter different scenarios of financial distress quickly and effectively;
(c) whether recovery options included in the plan set out actions which effectively address the scenarios of severe macroeconomic and financial stress reflected in accordance with Article 5(6) of Directive 2014/59/EU;
(d) whether the timeline for implementing the options is realistic and is taken into account in the procedures designed to ensure implementation of recovery actions;
(e) the level of the institution's or group's preparedness to redress the situation of financial stress, as determined in particular by assessing whether the preparatory measures necessary have been adequately identified and, where appropriate, those measures have been implemented or a plan to implement them has been prepared;