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Chapter 4 Offences, Miscellaneous Control Provisions and Proceedings (ss. 251-274A)

Comparing proposed amendment...
In force
251. False statements and offences, including offences relating to bodies corporate.
In force
252. Offences in relation to employment contributions.
In force
253. Notification by employer or other person of commencement of employment.
In force
254. Records to be maintained.
In force
255. Information to be given by employers to Minister.
In force
256. Application of Probation of Offenders Act 1907.
In force
257. Penalties.
In force
258. Failure to keep records.
In force
259. Loss of benefit due to employer's default.
In force
260. Information required by Minister.
In force
261. Exchange of information.
In force
261A. Disclosure of certain information to Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, etc.
In force
262. Personal public service number.
In force
262A. Offence.
In force
263. Public services card.
In force
263A. Cancellation and surrender of public services card.
In force
263B. Authentication of identity.
In force
264. Payment card.
In force
265. Sharing of information.
In force
266. Data exchange - provision of education.
In force
267. Data exchange - sharing of personal public service number.
In force
268. Data exchange - health provisions.
In force
269. Data exchange - rented accommodation.
In force
270. Data exchange - correction of inaccurate information.
In force
271. Definition of information.
In force
272. Provisions relating to prosecutions.
In force
273. Civil proceedings - Criminal Assets Bureau.
In force
274. Evidence.
In force
274A. Evidence in proceedings in relation to proving unemployment by electronic communication.