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300. Decisions by deciding officers.
(1) Subject to this Act, every question to which this section applies shall, save where the context otherwise requires, be decided by a deciding officer.
(2) Subject to subsections (3) and (3A), this section applies to every question arising under -
(a) Part 2 (social insurance) being a question -
(i) in relation to a claim for benefit,
(ii) as to whether a person is or was disqualified for benefit,
(iii) as to the period of any disqualification for benefit,
(iv) as to whether an employment is or was insurable employment or insurable (occupational injuries) employment,
(v) as to whether a person is or was employed in an insurable employment or insurable (occupational injuries) employment,
(vi) as to the rate of employment contribution which is or was payable by an employer in respect of an employed contributor,
(vii) as to who is or was the employer of an employed contributor,
(viii) as to whether a person is or was entitled to become a voluntary contributor,