Article 6
1. By way of derogation from Article 5, the competent authorities of the Member States may authorise the sale, supply, transfer or export of an item to the DPRK, or the import, purchase or transport of an item from the DPRK, where:
(a) the item does not relate to the production, development, maintenance or use of military goods, or development or the maintenance of military personnel, and the competent authority has determined that the item would not directly contribute to the development of the operational capabilities of the DPRK's armed forces or to exports that support or enhance the operational capabilities of armed forces of a third country other than the DPRK;
(b) the Sanctions Committee has determined that a particular supply, sale or transfer would not be contrary to the objectives of UNSCR 1718 (2006), 1874 (2009), 2087 (2013), 2094 (2013), 2270 (2016) or 2321 (2016); or