Article 70 Operational risk-management system and framework
1. As part of the policies, procedures and systems referred to in Article 47, a CSD shall have in place a well-documented framework for the management of operational risk with clearly assigned roles and responsibilities. A CSD shall have appropriate IT systems, policies, procedures and controls to identify, measure, monitor, report on and mitigate its operational risk.
2. The management body and the senior management of a CSD shall determine, implement and monitor the risk-management framework for operational risks referred to in paragraph 1, identify all of the CSD's exposures to operational risk and track relevant operational risk data, including any cases where material data is lost.
3. A CSD shall define and document clear operational reliability objectives, including operational performance objectives and committed service-level targets for its services and securities settlement systems. It shall have policies and procedures in place to achieve those objectives.
4. A CSD shall ensure that its operational performance objectives and service-level targets referred to in paragraph 3 include both qualitative and quantitative measures of operational performance.
5. A CSD shall regularly monitor and assess whether its established objectives and service-level targets are met.
6. A CSD shall have rules and procedures in place that ensure that the performance of its securities system is reported regularly to senior management, members of the management body, relevant committees of the management body, user committees and the competent authority.