Article 75 IT tools
1. A CSD shall ensure that its information technology (IT) systems are well-documented and that they are designed to cover the CSD's operational needs and the operational risks that the CSD faces.
The CSD IT systems shall be:
(a) resilient, including in stressed market conditions;
(b) have sufficient capacity to process additional information as a result of increasing settlement volumes;
(c) achieve the service level objectives of the CSD.
2. A CSD systems shall have sufficient capacity to process all transactions before the end of the day even in circumstances where a major disruption occurs.
A CSD shall have procedures for ensuring sufficient capacity of its IT systems, including in the case of the introduction of new technology.
3. A CSD shall base its IT systems on internationally recognised technical standards and industry best practices.
4. A CSD's IT systems shall ensure that any data at the disposal of the CSD is protected from loss, leakage, unauthorised access, poor administration, inadequate record-keeping, and other processing risks.
5. A CSD's information security framework shall outline the mechanisms that the CSD have in place to detect and prevent cyber-attacks. The framework shall also outline the CSD's plan in response to cyber-attacks.