1. On a quarterly basis, competent authorities of home Member States shall communicate to ESMA the information which is necessary for the creation and maintenance of the central database referred to in Article 12 of this Regulation regarding any notification, notification letter or information referred to in Article 93(1) and Article 93a(2) of Directive 2009/65/EC and in Article 31(2), Article 32(2) and Article 32a(2) of Directive 2011/61/EU, and any changes to that information, if such changes would result in a change to the information in that central database.
2. ESMA shall establish a notification portal into which each competent authority shall upload all documents referred to in paragraph 1.
3. ESMA shall develop draft implementing technical standards to specify the information to be communicated, as well as the forms, templates and procedures for communication of the information by the competent authorities for the purposes of paragraph 1, and the technical arrangements necessar