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Document Overview
166. Payments from Central Fund to certain persons.
(1) In this section -
"Accounting Officer" means the Accounting Officer of the Office of the Revenue Commissioners;
"CPI number" means the All Items Consumer Price Index Number compiled by the Central Statistics Office;
"relevant period" means the period commencing on the first day of the year of assessment next following the year of assessment in which the tax repaid was paid and concluding on the date of the issue of the repayment of the tax;
"specified judgement" means the decision of the High Court in the case of O'Coindealbhain (Inspector of Taxes) v Breda O'Carroll reported in the Irish Tax Reports, Volume IV, at page 221;
"specified payment", in relation to a repayment of tax made for a year of assessment, means a payment made in respect of the loss of purchasing power in respect of that repayment for the relevant period.
(2) In this section the CPI number applicable to the commencement of a relevant period shall be the CPI number relating to the immediately preceding survey date, and the CPI number applicable to the conclusion of the relevant period shall be the CPI number relating to the immediately succeeding survey date.