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Version date: 26 February 2020 - onwards

Temporary control (para. BCZ20)

BCZ20 In 2003 the Board considered whether to remove this scope exclusion and thereby converge with other standard‑setters that had recently eliminated a similar exclusion. It decided to consider this question as part of a comprehensive standard dealing with asset disposals. It decided to retain an exemption from consolidating a subsidiary when there is evidence that the subsidiary is acquired with the intention of disposing of it within twelve months and that management is actively seeking a buyer. The Board's exposure draft ED 4 Disposal of Non‑current Assets and Presentation of Discontinued Operations proposed to measure and present assets held for sale in a consistent manner irrespective of whether they are held by an investor or in a subsidiary. Therefore, ED 4 proposed to eliminate the exemption from consolidation when control is intended to be temporary and it contained a draft consequential amendment to IAS 27 to achieve this. [In March 2004 the Board issued IFRS 5 Non‑current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations. IFRS 5 removed this scope exclusion and eliminated the exemption from  consolidation when control is intended to be temporary. For further discussion see the Basis for Conclusions on IFRS 5.]