Relevant activities (paras. BC56-BC59)
BC56 ED 10 did not propose explicit guidance explaining the activities of an investee to which the definition of control referred. In response to comments received from respondents, the Board decided to clarify that in order to control an investee an investor must have the current ability to direct the activities of the investee that significantly affect the investee's returns (ie the relevant activities).
BC57 The comments on ED 10 suggested that such a clarification would be particularly helpful when assessing control of investees that are not directed through voting or similar rights and for which there may be multiple parties with decision‑making rights over different activities.
BC58 If an investor controls such an investee, its power should relate to the activities of the investee that significantly affect the investee's returns, rather than administrative activities that have little or no effect on the investee's returns. For an investee that is not directed through voting or similar rights it can be difficult to determine which investor, if any, meets the power element of the control definition. There is also a risk that, without adding the modifier 'significant', an investor with very little ability to affect the returns could be considered to have power over that investee (for example, if the investor has the ability to direct the most significant of a number of insignificant activities that have little effect on the investee's returns).