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Version date: 9 April 2024 - onwards
Version 2 of 2

Transition (paras. BC195-BC199E)

BC195 IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors [When it issued IFRS 18 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements in April 2024, the IASB changed the title of IAS 8 to Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements.] states that retrospective application results in the most useful information to users because the information presented for all periods is comparable.

BC196 In reaching its conclusions, the Board observed that IFRS 10 might result in an investor consolidating investees that were not previously consolidated or not consolidating investees that were previously consolidated. If an investor is required to consolidate a previously unconsolidated investee and has been accounting for its investment in that investee using proportionate consolidation or the equity method, the Board noted that the investor would often have the information available to consolidate the investee retrospectively as if IFRS 10 had always been in place. This is also likely to be the case if an investor no longer consolidates an investee that it previously consolidated but would now have to account for its investment in the investee using the equity method.