Approach to assessing investment entity status (paras. BC228-BC235)
BC228 In the Investment Entities ED, the Board proposed six criteria that must be met in order for an entity to qualify as an investment entity. These criteria were based on guidance in US GAAP (Topic 946 Financial Services - Investment Companies in the FASB Accounting Standards Codification®).
BC229 Many respondents expressed concern that requiring an entity to meet all six criteria proposed in the Investment Entities ED would be too prescriptive. They thought that the proposed criteria inappropriately focused on the structure of an investment entity rather than on its business model and did not allow for the use of judgement in determining whether an entity is an investment entity. These respondents stated that a less prescriptive approach to assessing the criteria would result in more consistent reporting by entities with similar business models.
BC230 In addition, many respondents argued that the six proposed criteria in the Investment Entities ED did not provide a general description of an investment entity and an explanation of why fair value measurement is more relevant for the subsidiaries of an investment entity. Because the concept of an investment entity is new to IFRS, those respondents argued that the guidance should include a more general definition of an investment entity (rather than merely criteria to be an investment entity) and a justification for the exception to consolidation.