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IFRS 10: Consolidated Financial Statements
Objective (paras. 1-3)
Scope (paras. 4-4B)
Control (paras. 5-18)
Accounting requirements (paras. 19-26)
Determining whether an entity is an investment entity (paras. 27-30)
Investment entities: exception to consolidation (paras. 31-33)
Appendix A Defined terms
Appendix B Application guidance
Appendix C Effective date and transition
Appendix D Amendments to other IFRSs
Approval by the Board of IFRS 10 issued in May 2011
Approval by the Board of Consolidated Financial Statements, Joint Arrangements and Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities: Transition Guidance (Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 11 and IFRS 12) issued in June 2012
Approval by the Board of Investment Entities (Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 27) issued in October 2012
Approval by the Board of Sale or Contribution of Assets between an Investor and its Associate or Joint Venture (Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28) issued in September 2014
Approval by the Board of Investment Entities: Applying the Consolidation Exception (Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 28) issued in December 2014
Approval by the Board of Effective Date of Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28 issued in December 2015
IFRS 10: Basis for Conclusions
Introduction (paras. BC1-BC11)
The structure of IFRS 10 and the Board's decisions (paras. BC8-BC11)
Presentation of consolidated financial statements (2003 revision) (paras. BCZ12-BCZ18)
Exemption from preparing consolidated financial statements (paras. BCZ12-BCZ15)
Unanimous agreement of the owners of the minority interests (paras. BCZ16-BCZ17)
Exemption available only to non‑public entities (para. BCZ18)
Scope of consolidated financial statements (2003 revision) (paras. BCZ19-BC28F)
Scope exclusions (para. BCZ19)
Temporary control (para. BCZ20)
Severe long‑term restrictions impairing ability to transfer funds to the parent (paras. BCZ21-BCZ28)
Exemption from preparing consolidated financial statements for an intermediate parent of an investment entity (paras. BC28A-BC28F)
Control as the basis for consolidation (paras. BC29-BC39)
Reputational risk (paras. BC37-BC39)
Definition of control (paras. BC40-BC70)
Power (paras. BC42-BC55)
Relevant activities (paras. BC56-BC59)
Returns (paras. BC60-BC67)
Link between power and returns (para. BC68)
Control is not shared (paras. BC69-BC70)
Assessing control (paras. BC71-BC146)
Understanding the purpose and design of an investee (paras. BC76-BC80)
Different activities significantly affect the returns (paras. BC81-BC92)
Rights that give an investor power (paras. BC93-BC124)
Delegated power (agency relationships) (paras. BC125-BC142)
Relationship with other parties (paras. BC143-BC146C)
Control of specified assets (paras. BC147-BC148)
Continuous assessment (paras. BC149-BC153)
Accounting requirements (paras. BC154-BCZ190)
Consolidation procedures (para. BC154)
Non‑controlling interests (2003 revision and 2008 amendments) (paras. BCZ155-BCZ159)
Attribution of losses (2008 amendments) (paras. BCZ160-BCZ167)
Changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries (2008 amendments) (paras. BCZ168-BCZ179)
Loss of control (2008 amendments) (paras. BCZ180-BCZ190)
Sale or contribution of assets between an investor and its associate or joint venture - amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28 (issued in September 2014)(paras. BC190A-BC190O)
Deferral of the Effective Date of Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28 (issued in September 2014) (paras. BC190L-BC190O)
Effective date and transition (paras. BC191-BCZ203)
Effective date (paras. BC191-BC194)
Transition (paras. BC195-BC199E)
Transitional provisions (2008 amendments) (paras. BCZ200-BCZ203)
Withdrawal of IAS 27 (2008) and SIC‑12 (paras. BC204-BC205)
Summary of main changes from ED 10 (para. BC206)
Cost-benefit considerations (paras. BC207-BC214)
Exception to consolidation for investment entities (2012 amendments) (paras. BC215-BC291)
Background (paras. BC215-BC221)
Scope of the project (paras. BC222-BC227)
Approach to assessing investment entity status (paras. BC228-BC235)
Definition of an investment entity (paras. BC236-BC248)
Fair value measurement (paras. BC249-BC254)
Typical characteristics of investment entities (paras. BC255-BC267)
Reassessment and change of status (paras. BC268-BC271)
Parent of an investment entity (paras. BC272-BC283)
Transition (paras. BC284-BC287A)
Effective date and early application (para. BC288)
Joint deliberations with the FASB (paras. BC289-BC291)
Effects analysis for investment entities (paras. BC292-BC317)
Financial statements of investment entities (paras. BC294-BC300)
Comparability (paras. BC301-BC302)
Usefulness of financial statements in assessing the future cash flows of an entity (para. BC303)
Better economic decision-making (paras. BC304-BC308)
Effect on compliance costs for preparers (paras. BC309-BC312)
How the costs of analysis for users are affected (paras. BC313-BC316)
Summary (para. BC317)
Appendix - Previous Board approvals and dissenting opinions
Approval by the Board of IAS 27 issued in December 2003
Approval by the Board of amendments to IAS 27 issued in January 2008
Dissenting opinions
Dissent of Philippe Danjou, Jan Engström, Robert P Garnett, Gilbert Gélard and Tatsumi Yamada from the amendments to IAS 27 issued in January 2008 on the accounting for non-controlling interests and the loss of control of a subsidiary
Dissenting Opinions from Sale or Contribution of Assets between an Investor and its Associate or Joint Venture (Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28) as issued in September 2014
Appendix - Amendments to the Basis for Conclusions on other IFRSs
IFRS 10: Amendments to guidance on other IFRSs
IFRS 10: Illustrative Examples
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IFRS 10: Consolidated Financial Statements
IFRS 10: Basis for Conclusions
Appendix - Previous Board approvals and dissenting opinions
Dissenting opinions
Version date: 26 February 2020 - onwards
Dissenting opinions
Dissent of
Tatsumi Yamada from IAS 27 (as revised in 2003)
Cross-references have been updated.
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