Leases of investment property at fair value (para. BC80)
BC80 The IASB considered whether leases of investment property measured at fair value should be excluded from the scope of IFRS 16. It considered such an exclusion because many users of the financial statements of investment property lessors informed the IASB that the requirements of IAS 40 Investment Property provide useful information about the leasing activities of a lessor, especially when the fair value model is used. However, the IASB concluded that a lessor of investment property should apply IAS 40 when accounting for its investment property and apply IFRS 16 when accounting for the lease. That is similar to how IAS 17 and IAS 40 interacted. Accordingly, a user of financial statements would obtain fair value information about investment property subject to operating leases, which is required by IAS 40, and information about rental income earned by the lessor, which is required by IFRS 16.