Disclosures about right-of-use assets, and expenses and cash flows related to leases (paragraph 53) (para. BC217)
BC217 The IASB decided that there are particular items of information that, if material, should be disclosed by lessees to meet the information needs of users of financial statements. The IASB noted the importance of comparable information being provided by different lessees and that comparability could be achieved by including some specific disclosure requirements in IFRS 16. These disclosure requirements relate to the information that users of financial statements have identified as being most useful to their analyses and, consequently, that they would like to have for all lease portfolios that are material to an entity. Consequently, IFRS 16 requires a lessee to disclose:
(a) the carrying amount of right-of-use assets, and depreciation charge for those assets, split by class of underlying asset. This information is useful in understanding the nature of a lessee’s leasing activities and in comparing entities that lease their assets with those that purchase them.
(b) interest expense on lease liabilities. Together with the disclosure of the carrying amount of lease liabilities separately from other liabilities (see paragraph BC208), this disclosure provides information about a lessee’s lease obligations and finance costs.