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Version date: 26 February 2020 - onwards

Presentation of lessee disclosures in the notes to the financial statements (paragraphs 52 and 54) (para. BC228)

(paragraphs 52 and 54)

BC228 IFRS 16 requires a lessee to disclose information about its leases in a single note or separate section in its financial statements, and to present quantitative information in a tabular format, unless another format is more appropriate. On the basis of feedback from users of financial statements, the IASB thinks that this presentation best conveys an overall understanding of a lessee’s lease portfolio and improves the transparency of the information. In the IASB’s view, presenting all lessee disclosures in a single note or separate section will often be the most effective way to present information about leases in the systematic manner required by paragraph 113 of IAS 1.