Short-term leases (paras. BC87-BC97)
BC87 The IASB concluded that the benefits of requiring a lessee to apply all of the requirements in IFRS 16 to short-term leases do not outweigh the associated costs. In considering how to reduce the costs for lessees, the IASB considered both the nature and the scope of a possible exemption.
Nature of the exemption
BC88 The IASB considered simplifying the measurement requirements for short-term leases. Specifically, it considered exempting lessees from the requirement to discount the payments used to measure the assets and liabilities arising from short-term leases. Many stakeholders, however, thought that this exemption would provide insufficient cost relief for lessees because it would still require an entity to track a possibly large volume of leases of a low value.
BC89 The IASB concluded that, even with simplified measurement requirements, the benefits of requiring a lessee to recognise right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-term leases would not outweigh the associated costs. Consequently, paragraph 5(a) of IFRS 16 permits a lessee to elect not to apply the recognition requirements to short-term leases. Instead, a lessee can recognise the lease payments associated with short-term leases as an expense over the lease term, typically on a straight-line basis. The IASB decided that this choice should be made by class of underlying asset.