BC215 Consistently with other recently issued Standards, the IASB decided that IFRS 16 should specify an overall objective for lessee disclosures. In the IASB’s view, a clear objective should improve the interpretation and implementation of the disclosure requirements. This is because a lessee is required to assess whether the overall quality and informational value of its lease disclosures are sufficient to meet the stated objective.
BC216 The IASB considered stakeholder suggestions that an explicit statement about materiality would be useful in applying the lessee disclosure requirements. However, such statements are not included in other Standards. The concept of materiality in the Conceptual Framework and in IAS 1 is pervasive across IFRS and applies to the requirements in IFRS 16 in the same way that it applies to the requirements in all other Standards. The IASB thought that including a statement about materiality within the disclosure requirements in IFRS 16 mig