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Version date: 25 June 2020 - onwards
Version 2 of 2

Scope exclusions (paragraphs 7-8A of IFRS 17) (paras. BC87-BC97)

(paragraphs 7-8A of IFRS 17)

BC87 The scope of IFRS 17 excludes various items that may meet the definition of insurance contracts, such as:

(a) warranties provided by a manufacturer, dealer or retailer in connection with the sale of its goods or services to a customer (see paragraphs BC89-BC90).

(b) employers' assets and liabilities that arise from employee benefit plans, and retirement benefit obligations reported by defined benefit retirement plans (see IAS 19 Employee Benefits, IFRS 2 Share-based Payment and IAS 26 Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans).

(c) contractual rights or contractual obligations contingent on the future use of, or right to use, a non-financial item (see IFRS 15, IFRS 16 Leases and IAS 38 Intangible Assets).

(d) residual value guarantees provided by the manufacturer, dealer or retailer and lessees' residual value guarantees embedded in a lease (see IFRS 15 and IFRS 16). However, stand-alone residual value guarantees that transfer insurance risk are not addressed by other IFRS Standards and are within the scope of IFRS 17.

(e) some financial guarantee contracts (see paragraphs BC91-BC94).