Insurance contracts without direct participation features (paragraphs 44 and B96-B100 of IFRS 17) (paras. BC227-BC237)
(paragraphs 44 and B96-B100 of IFRS 17)
BC227 In determining which changes in estimates relate to future service, IFRS 17 distinguishes two types of insurance contracts: those without direct participation features and those with direct participation features. Insurance contracts with direct participation features are discussed in paragraphs BC238-BC269C.
Time value of money and changes in assumptions relating to financial risk (paragraph B97(a) of IFRS 17)
BC228 For insurance contracts without direct participation features, the Board concluded that changes in the effects of the time value of money and financial risk do not affect the amount of unearned profit. This is the case even if the payments to policyholders vary with returns on underlying items through a participation mechanism, for the reasons set out in paragraphs BC229-BC231. Accordingly, the entity does not adjust the contractual service margin to reflect the effects of changes in these assumptions.