Recognition in profit or loss (paragraphs 44(e), 45(e) and B119-B119B of IFRS 17) (paras. BC279-BC283J)
(paragraphs 44(e), 45(e) and B119-B119B of IFRS 17)
BC279 As discussed in paragraph BC21, the Board views the contractual service margin as depicting the unearned profit for coverage and other services provided over the coverage period. Insurance coverage is the defining service provided by insurance contracts. The Board noted that an entity provides this service over the whole of the coverage period, and not just when it incurs a claim. Consequently, IFRS 17 requires the contractual service margin to be recognised over the coverage period in a pattern that reflects the provision of coverage as required by the contract. To achieve this, the contractual service margin for a group of insurance contracts remaining (before any allocation) at the end of the reporting period is allocated over the coverage provided in the current period and expected remaining future coverage, on the basis of coverage units, reflecting the expected duration and quantity of benefits provided by contracts in the group. The Board considered whether: