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Version date: 9 April 2024 - onwards
Version 2 of 2

Disclosures that the Board considered but did not include in IFRS 17 (paras. BC367-371)

(paragraphs 93-132 of IFRS 17)

Reconciliation of premium receipts to insurance revenue

BC367 The Board originally proposed that an entity reconcile the insurance revenue to the premium receipts in each period because it wanted entities to explain how insurance revenue differs from previously familiar metrics. However, the Board found that such information will be provided in the reconciliation of the insurance contract balance required by paragraph 100 of IFRS 17. Hence, a separate reconciliation, while permissible, is not required. Paragraphs BC27-BC37 and BC337-BC339 explain why IFRS 17 prohibits the use of premiums‑due as a measure of insurance revenue.

Measurement uncertainty analysis