35. Sectoral plan of Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources.
(1) A sectoral plan prepared by the Minister for Transport shall contain information concerning -
(a) measures to be taken by the operators of passenger ships for the purpose of facilitating access by persons with disabilities to marine passenger transport services provided by them and the time within which the measures are to be taken,
(b) measures to be taken by the bodies responsible for the control and operation of specified ports and harbours for the purpose of facilitating access by those persons to places therein where such services originate or terminate in and the time within which such measures are to be taken, and
(c) any other matter which the Minister considers appropriate.
(2) In this section "passenger ships" means passenger ships within the meaning of the Merchant Shipping Act 1992 and passenger steamers within the meaning of the Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention) Act 1952.