37. Sectoral plan of Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment.
(1) A sectoral plan prepared by the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment ("the Minister") shall contain information concerning -
(a) vocational training and employment support services and programmes made available to persons with disabilities by An Foras Áiseanna Saothair,
(b) a programme of the measures proposed to be taken for and in relation to the provision of appropriate vocational training and employment support services to facilitate the integration of persons with disabilities into employment,
(c) measures to be taken to review the delivery of such training and services and the time within which such review is to be carried out,
(d) any measures to be taken to ensure more effective provision of such training and services, and
(e) any other matters which the Minister considers appropriate.
(2) A plan referred to in subsection (1) shall provide for appropriate co-operation by the Minister with the Minister for Social and Family Affairs and the Minister for Health and Children ("the two Ministers") in relation to the development and co-ordination of services related to the foregoing services provided by the two Ministers for persons with disabilities.