Article 24 Renunciation of free allocation of allowances
1. Where an installation is an FA installation for the 2021-2025 allocation period, the operator of the installation may by giving notice (a "renunciation notice") to the regulator renounce free allocation in respect of the remaining scheme years in the 2021-2025 allocation period beginning with the scheme year after the year in which the notice is given.
2. Where an installation is an FA installation for the 2026-2030 allocation period, the operator of the installation may by giving notice (a "renunciation notice") to the regulator renounce free allocation in respect of the remaining scheme years in the 2026-2030 allocation period beginning with the scheme year after the year in which the notice is given.
3. The renunciation notice must set out:
(a) whether the renunciation is made in respect of:
(i) the installation as a whole; or
(ii) one or more sub-installations of the installation (but not all of them); and
(b) where point (a)(ii) applies, the sub-installation or sub-installations in respect of which the renunciation is made.
4. Where a renunciation notice is given, the regulator must: