Annex VI Minimum content of the monitoring methodology plan
1. General information on the installation:
(a) Information for identifying the installation and the operator, including the Installation identifier used in the registry;
(b) Information identifying the version of the monitoring methodology plan, the date of approval by the regulator and the date from which it is applicable;
(c) [deleted]
(d) A flow diagram and plan of the installation which allow an understanding of the main material and energy flows, containing at least the following information:
- The technical elements of the installation, identifying emissions sources as well as heat producing and consuming units;
- All energy and material flows, in particular the source streams, measurable and non-measurable heat, electricity where relevant, and waste gases;
- The points of measurement and metering devices;
- Boundaries of the sub-installations, including the split between sub-installation serving sectors deemed to be exposed to a significant risk of carbon leakage and sub-installations serving other sectors, based on NACE rev. 2 or PRODCOM;