Annex IV Parameters for baseline data collection
Without prejudice to the power of the regulator to request additional particulars in accordance with Article 15(1), operators shall submit for the purposes of the baseline data report, the following data at installation and sub-installation level for all calendar years of the baseline period beginning on 1 January 2019. For new entrants, the data report shall cover the data listed in sections 1 and 2 at installation and sub-installation level.
1.1. Identification of the installation and the operator
This item contains at least the following information:
(a) Name and address of the installation;
(b) Installation identifier used in the registry;
(c) [deleted]
(d) Permit identifier and date of the most recent permit, if applicable;
(e) Name and address of the operator, contact information of an authorised representative and of a primary contact person, if different.
1.2. Verifier information
This item contains at least the following information:
(a) Name and address of the verifier, contact information of an authorised representative and of a primary contact person, if different;
(b) Name of the national accreditation body which accredited the verifier;