Article 2d
1.The competent authorities shall exchange information on the application of Articles 2, 2a and 2b with the other Member States and the Commission, including on any authorisation granted or denied and, in the event of suspected forum shopping or other cases as appropriate, on requests for authorisation received.
The competent authorities shall exchange information on the enforcement of Articles 2, 2a and 2b with the other Member States and the Commission, including on related infringements and penalties, as well as best practices of national enforcement authorities and the detection and prosecution of unauthorised exports. The exchange of information shall be carried out using the electronic system provided pursuant to Article 23(6) of Regulation (EU) 2021/821.
2. Information received as a result of the application of this Article shall be used only for the purpose for which it was requested, including the exchanges mentioned in paragraph 4.
Member States and the Commission shall ensure the protection of confidential information acquired in application of this Article in accordance with Union law and the respective national law.
Member States and the Commission shall ensure that classified information provided or exchanged under this Article is not downgraded or declassified without the prior written consent of the originator.