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Version status: Applicable, Entered into force | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 29 June 2023 - 29 December 2024
  Version 2 of 3  

Article 63 Assessment of the application for authorisation and grant or refusal of authorisation

1. Competent authorities shall promptly, and in any event within five working days of receipt of an application under Article 62(1), acknowledge receipt thereof in writing to the applicant crypto-asset service provider.

2. Competent authorities shall, within 25 working days of receipt of an application under Article 62(1), assess whether that application is complete by checking that the information listed in Article 62(2) has been submitted.

Where the application is not complete, competent authorities shall set a deadline by which the applicant crypto-asset service provider is to provide any missing information.

3. Competent authorities may refuse to review applications where such applications remain incomplete after the expiry of the deadline set by them in accordance with paragraph 2, second subparagraph.

4. Once an application is complete, competent authorities shall promptly notify the applicant crypto-asset service provider thereof.

5. Before granting or refusing authorisation as

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