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Version status: Entered into force | Document consolidation status: Updated to reflect all known changes
Version date: 29 June 2023 - 29 December 2024
  Version 2 of 3  

Article 94 Powers of competent authorities

1. In order to perform their duties under Titles II to VI of this Regulation, competent authorities shall have, in accordance with national law, at least the following supervisory and investigative powers:

(a) to require any person to provide information and documents which the competent authorities consider could be relevant for the performance of their duties;

(b) to suspend, or to require a crypto-asset service provider to suspend, the provision of crypto-asset services for a maximum of 30 consecutive working days on any single occasion where there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that this Regulation has been infringed;

(c) to prohibit the provision of crypto-asset services where they find that this Regulation has been infringed;

(d) to disclose, or to require a crypto-asset servicer provider to disclose, all material information which might have an effect on the provision of the crypto-asset services concerned, in order to ensure the protection of the interests of clients, in

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