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Version date: 8 December 2023 - onwards
    Version 1 of 1    


4 March 2024

The scope of these Guidelines relates only to Section II of Chapter V (Articles 31-44) [According to Article 32(7), "the ESAs shall issue, for the purposes of this Section [i. e. Chapter V - Section II "Oversight framework of critical ICT third party service providers"], guidelines on the cooperation between the ESAs and the competent authorities. Hence, other Articles which are related to the cooperation between ESAs and competent authorities (e. g. Articles 47-48 on "Cooperation with structures and authorities established under NIS 2" and "Cooperation between authorities") are not covered by the guidelines] of the DORA and does not cover Articles related to:

tasks that only apply to either one specific competent authority or ESA or that apply to financial entities and critical ICT third-party service providers [Articles which cover tasks that only apply to either one specific competent authority or ESA (e. g. Article 43 on Oversight fees, being a task for the Lead Overseer only)

Comparing proposed amendment...