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Version date: 9 April 2024 - onwards

The roles of the primary financial statements and the notes (paragraphs 15-24 and B6-B9) (paras. BC45-BC63)

BC45 To achieve the objective of financial statements (discussed in paragraph BC17), an entity applies the roles of the primary financial statements and the notes to present summarised information in the primary financial statements and disclose more detailed information in the notes. The IASB developed the descriptions of the roles of the primary financial statements and the notes set out in IFRS 18 based on the Conceptual Framework, feedback and research on how users of financial statements use information in the financial statements. Feedback and research showed that users of financial statements pay more attention to information presented in the primary financial statements and use it more frequently than information disclosed in the notes because the primary financial statements:

(a) give an overview of an entity's financial performance, financial position, cash flows and changes in equity;

(b) are more structured than the notes and can be easier to use to compare entities; and

(c) can be used to identify items or areas that users of financial statements might wish to seek additional information on.

BC46 The IASB developed the roles of the primary financial statements and the notes to help an entity judge whether to present information in the primary financial statements or disclose it in the notes. The descriptions will also help the IASB in the future when it develops new or revised presentation and disclosure requirements in IFRS Accounting Standards.