Principles of aggregation and disaggregation (paragraphs 41-43 and B16-B26) (paras. BC71-BC80)
BC71 The IASB decided to set out principles for the aggregation and disaggregation of items in the financial statements. The IASB developed these principles and other requirements in response to feedback from users of financial statements that financial statements do not always include appropriately aggregated or disaggregated information. For example, an entity might disclose in the notes a large amount of 'other' expenses with no information to help users of financial statements understand what expenses those items include. In contrast, an entity might sometimes disclose too much detail, obscuring material information.
BC72 The IASB developed the principles of aggregation and disaggregation from the descriptions of classification and aggregation in the Conceptual Framework. Those descriptions recognise shared characteristics as a condition for classifying and aggregating items. For example, aggregating items that have shared characteristics makes large volumes of information understandable. Similarly, disaggregating items with dissimilar characteristics provides material information.