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Version date: 9 April 2024 - onwards

Dissent of Mary E Barth, Anthony T Cope, Robert P Garnett and James J Leisenring from IAS 1 (as revised in September 2007) (paras. DO1-DO7)

DO1 Professor Barth and Messrs Cope, Garnett and Leisenring voted against the issue of IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements in 2007. The reasons for their dissent are set out below.

DO2 Those Board members agree with the requirement to report all items of income and expense separately from changes in net assets that arise from transactions with owners in their capacity as owners. Making that distinction clearly is a significant improvement in financial reporting.

DO3 However, they believe that the decision to permit entities to divide the statement of comprehensive income into two separate statements is both conceptually unsound and unwise.